Company Structure

From a modest beginning in 1978, the Habata citrus and produce company has grown to incorporate 1 000 hectares of citrus and 700 of vegetables and cucurbits in the Eastern and Western Cape provinces of South Africa.

The Eastern Cape side of the operation, which is based in the well-known citrus-producing Sundays River Valley about an hour’s drive from the city of Port Elizabeth, consists of a selection of farms around the towns of Kirkwood and Addo.

Here 900 hectares are dedicated to the growing of citrus in winter and 730 to the production of vegetables and cucurbits in summer.

The citrus crops include lemons, mandarins, navels, navel lates, satsumas and valencias, all of which are exported.

The summer produce consisting of seedless watermelons, melons, grapes, butternut and cabbage is earmarked for the South African market.

Habata Boerdery (Pty) Ltd added Le Grand Chasseur Wine Estate, which is based in the Winelands about 150km from Cape Town, to its portfolio of interests in 2015.

Positioned a mere 20km outside Robertson in the Le Chasseur Valley, the estate provides Habata with the opportunity to extend its interests to wine and table grape production.

A total of 220 hectares is devoted to producing fruit for its classic white wines and superior reds, while a further 27 are under cultivation for table grapes.

In addition, Le Grand Chasseur dedicates 60 hectares for the production of citrus.

Habata has a permanent staff of more than 230 across its Eastern and Western Cape businesses.